J Boxid IA1792702 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Col_number COL-609 Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier PotterĪccess-restricted-item true Addeddate 11:01:03 Associated-names Potter, D.

Mattingly - Amusing the masses: buildings for entertainment and leisure in the Roman world / Hazel Dodge - Entertainers in the Roman Empire / David S. Potter - Feeding the city: the organization, operation, and scale of the supply system for Rome / Greg S. Frier - Roman religion: ideas and actions / David S. Hanson - Elite male identity in the Roman Empire / Maud W. Includes bibliographical references (pages 327-341) and index As views of Roman history have broadened in recent decades to encompass a wider range of topics, the need has grown for a single volume that can offer a starting point for all these diverse subjects, for readers of all backgrounds."- of cover Family structure, gender identity, food supply, religion, and entertainment are all crucial to an understanding of the Roman world. "Life, Death, and Entertainment in the Roman Empire gives those who have a general interest in Roman antiquity a starting point informed by the latest developments in scholarship for understanding the extraordinary range of Roman society.